

Baptism, or christening as it is popularly called is very important and is available for adults and children. It is not just a tradition, a custom. It is not something you have to do when your child reaches a certain age. It doesn’t mean just starting your child off on the right direction. It is more than that.

People who are baptised are saying that they believe that God loves them, and that they will love God in return, following in the footsteps of Jesus.
Lots of people have been baptised. They make up the family of the Church. So when you are joined to Jesus, you also join the Church. That means sharing in what the Christian family does, in its life and in its worship.

So it is important to think carefully before asking for baptism, and to choose godparents wisely. Baptism is only the start. We hope, in the fullness of time, that children will make their baptism promises for themselves at confirmation.

And maybe, as adults, the baptism of your child is the opportunity that you have been waiting for to find out more about the Christian faith for yourselves. Maybe you have forgotten all that happened in your own confirmation classes, or maybe your parents and god-parents did not bring you to confirmation

If you would like to book a baptism please contact the Team Office or one of the clergy, who will be pleased to help you. After you have booked your baptism.the member of the clergy taking the service will contact you to arange dates
It is important that your child has godparents who will be able to keep the promises that they will make at their godchild’s baptism. To help with this it is a requirement that all godparents are baptised themselves.

In this Team of parishes in some churches we conduct baptisms during the regular Sunday service,and in others baptism takes place just afterthe principle service.

There is a Sunday School at Tenbury Wells that runs during the main morning service. There are also Family Services at various parishes around the parishes of our Team Ministry. We will gladly give you further details when we call.

We look forward to meeting you further and hope your child’s baptism is a happy event And please feel free to contact the Team Office or clergy at any time.